Balance Me Beauty

Balance Me Beauty

1. How we sit, our posture and how often we move is important to our wellbeing, is there an easy way to fit this in each day? Build more activity into your day by taking regular breaks and simply get moving. Aim to schedule in set breaks and time away from the computer. Movement and exercise boosts your mood and wellbeing and is a great way to find some headspace. Stand up more and move your spine, even if it’s for a short period of time - it will help to counteract the ill effects of sitting. There are lots of apps on the market that can help you to achieve this. Connect via your computer, smart phone or device. Remember every moment and movement counts. Take the stairs, change up your daily commute by walking, biking or getting off a stop early and aim to hit a daily target of 10,000 steps.

2. What is the most transformative thing about becoming more aware of our physical wellbeing? The feeling of control, balance and better energy. Clients often feedback that the Method teaches them to connect to their body and to realise how to honour what it needs as it comes back into balance. Every day is different and sometimes less is more. Once you understand the essence of what you want to achieve physically you can start on a journey to strengthen while respecting your body's own rhythms. That is what the The Louisa Drake Method (LDM) promotes. The Method is known as a shape-changer, it boosts metabolism, burns fat and leans out muscles for increased flexibility that creates a coveted sculpted and strong body. As much emphasis is put on helping clients achieve weight and body goals as there is on promoting a holistic and healthy, attitude towards their fitness, health and wellbeing.

3. What inspired you to create the LDM Method? After a successful professional dance career I followed my other passion, health and fitness. As a client I was constantly searching for a fresh fitness and movement programme that included a focus on health and wellbeing. I wanted it to be inspired, varied and personalised so it would leave you feeling empowered. I made it my goal to create everything that was missing for me as a client.

Clients loved my unique fitness-fusion style and I built up a loyal London following. Last year I launched the Method with my Signature fitness-fusion workout. Known as a shape-changer it reached a wider audience and has received excellent press. Try my Method at Studio by The Detox Kitchen and Soho House Members can find me at Shoreditch House, weekly classes being lead by me. I now have a wonderful small but strong team of talented LDM trainers. We all continue to deliver the Method around London.    

4. One thing we should do every day to ensure a happy mind? Enough sleep to rest and repair the mind and body. Good quality sleep plays a huge role in our personal health. Cortisol (stress hormone) naturally falls at night, so it’s best to hit the sack before midnight to ensure the best quality sleep. Wake up refreshed, in a better mood with a clear head and a happier mind. 

5. The quality or characteristic you find most inspiring? Honesty

6. Which Balance Me product inspires balance in you? Flash Cleanse Micellar water - it soothes and cleans while offering face-plumping benefits. I've ditched traditional facial wipes, which also helps towards zero waste (most wipes are expensive, wasteful, unnecessary and have toxic chemicals). I rely on natural skincare and in particular Balance Me Beauty products to refresh my skin in-between sessions. Balance Me Beauty helps me to stay balanced.


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